Methods for Sorting Data-to-Clock Intervals
You can use sorting when the Time Interval Measurement area (on the TIA Setup window) is set to Use data-to-clock intervals for display and analysis. In this case, the sorting process is the same as for a single input sort, but when a match is found, the data-to-clock interval is placed in the distribution (histogrammed). The primary difference is that the location of the R (result locator) determines if the data-to-clock interval is taken from the initial edge or the last edge of the data interval. For example, once a pattern match is found for the string (4,2R), the R location (2R) directs the Timing Pattern Analysis software to compare the last edge of the 2 code spacing to the nearest clock edge and histogram the resulting interval. A pattern match of (4,R2), directs the Timing Pattern Analysis software to compare the initial edge of the 2 code spacing to the clock and histogram that interval. Both an external clock and a computed clock can be used for sorting data-to-clock intervals.
All of the prior examples have assumed that the histogrammed result is the code spacing interval associated with the R (result locator). This is true whenever Use on the TIA Setup window is set to �Input 1 only,� or �Input 2 only�. If the Use selection is something other than these, the histogrammed intervals are based on the Use selection. In such cases, the search pattern match is the same as it is for the single-channel examples, the difference is in the type of result that is histogrammed.